What A Great Day
Yesterday we talked about being wise in the building of our lives. We saw how we need not 'try harder' but rather we just need to give up. If we have listened and read the sermon on the mount and thought, "That's some good moral stuff that I need to try to abide by," then we have missed the point. We don't need to try, we need to quit trying and start living a life of surrender. Give all of yourself to Christ and let the Rock of your salvation, the Cheif Conerstone, the stone that the builders rejected, be the solid foundation that you find yourself in.
Realize that it is not what you can do for Christ, but rather what Christ can do in and through you.
We have finished our 5 month study of the sermon on the mount so the next question is , "Where do we go from here?" And the answer that I have for you is, "I really don't know...I'm still praying about where God wants to take us next." On one hand I feel the Lord leading us to study the parables and look in depth at Jesus' teachings and what we can learn and apply in our daily lives. While on the other hand, I feel God leading us to study the book of Exodus and see how He brought the Children of Israel out of bondage and slavery and how He can deliver us from the bondage that we find ourselves in while at the same time see how important it is to walk in obedience so that we don't find ourselves wondering for 40 years in the wilderness of complacency and apathy.
I'm going to continue to pray and seek where God wants us to go, I encourage you to pray as well and let me know where God is speaking into your life on this matter...you can comment at the bottom...
Till tomorrow...Bro. Alan
Great insight.
Great insight!
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