Monday, August 10, 2009

It's Been A While

Well, it's been a while...Like many of you, summer is not a time of leisure and rest, it is a time of meeting commitments, keeping appointments, planning family time, and for me, working on finishing a master's degree.
This summer has been busy to say the least. Our oldest daughter is preparing to leave for college at Texas A&M in College Station, TX., we had a funeral in Dallas last week, I have written 67 pages in research papers in the last three weeks, not to mention preparing and studying for sermons and Bible studies, and oh yeah, we moved my wife's "Quilting Studio" home this week, which involved much heavy lifting and sore muscles. Our son started two-a-days last week, so we have to get up and get him to practice by 7:00am every morning, our youngest daughter is keeping us on our toes as well. We have totally rearranged the house to compensate for our oldest moving out and the quilting machine coming home. So, things have been moving at a furious pace in the Wilson household. And you know what? I wouldn't want it any other way...I love life at a fast pace...

Well, I know it's been a while since I've blogged, as if anyone really reads these anyway, as a matter of fact it's been so long that I had to reset my password and wait for the blogging site to reconfirm my information. Anyway, we have finished our study of Exodus and are now diving into the book of Joshua. Joshua is an amazing study of the life of a faithful man of God. He serves as a worthy example for us to follow today, a man that remained faithful till the end, a man that was not concerned about popular opinion or what the latest poll had to say, a man that was steadfast and committed to his mission that the Lord had given him.
As we travel with Joshua and enter into the Promised Land I will try to write about where we are and where we are going in our study together, as of right now, we are getting ready to cross the Jordan, we are standing on the banks of the river, looking over into Canaan Land, there is going to have to be faith, trust and dependence on God to get us across that river...but it can and it will be done. What rivers are you at today? Does it seem impossible to try to get through the problems that you are facing today? Let's try to look tomorrow at how we can cross the rivers in our lives and begin to live atthe place that God has chosen for us...Till then, Bro. Alan


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