It's Been A While
Yes, it has been a while since my last blog, so long as a matter of fact that I had forgotten the password to access my account! I'm sorry that it has taken so long to update, but things have been a little busy. May is a maddening month, with all the banquets, ball games, graduation preparations, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, and the fact that I am going back to school to complete my Master's, time seems to get away from me these days.
Anyway, This week we are going to be looking at Exodus 16:1-20. This is the account of God providing the people with their daily need of food. It's when God rained down manna upon the Children of Israel every morning to feed them, everyday that is except for Saturday, the sabbath, which was to be a day of rest.
Yesterday in church, we looked at when the Children of Israel had come to the water's of Marah. The water was so bitter that it was not suitable for human consumption, and the people began to complain and whine to Moses. Moses prayed, received instructions from the Lord about how to make the water sweet by putting a tree into the water and did so and the people drank sweet, refreshing water to their hearts desire.
Now, you would think that after whining to Moses and Moses praying to the Father and the Father meeting their needs that they would learn to trust in God to provide for their needs. You would think that, but that's not what happened.
In verse 2 of Exodus 16 the people begin to complain and whine once again. At least this time Moses is not alone, they are also calling Aaron out as one that should be held responsible.
Think about it, they had just been delivered from Pharaoh and his army, they had seen the LORD destroy Pharaoh in the Red Sea, the very sea that they passed through on dry land to safety, they had seen the LORD provide fresh, sweet water for them from a bitter source, they had gone into Elim and found palm trees to rest under and pools of water to relax by and again, at the first sign of trouble what did they do? They began t owhine and complain again.
Now before we are too judgmental, let's think about our own lives for a moment. How many times has God provided for you? Has He met all your needs? Has He shown Himself to be faithful to you in all things? Yet how many times do we want to just quit, give up and complain about all that's wrong with the world?
We look back on the Children of Israel in the desert and wonder why they just couldn't have faith and believe, because God would meet all their needs. Well, can I tell you that GOd has not changed, the same GOd that met the needs of the Hebrews in the desert is the same GOd that wants to meet your needs today. Don't complain, instead thank God now for the provision that He is going to meet today.
Till 'whenever'...Bro. Alan
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