Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I've often wondered why today is referred to as 'Good Friday.' There really seems to be no good thing that happened on this day, after all, this is a day of agony and suffering and death and despair and abandonment and darkness and loss.
Christ is taken to Calvary and after He had been beaten and mocked and ridiculed, He is crucified.
According to the ESV Study Bible; crucifixion was widely believed to be the worst form of execution, due to the excruciating pain and public shame. Hanging suspended by one's arms eventually caused great difficulty in breathing, which could be alleviated only by pushing up with one's feet to take the weight off the arms. But that motion itself would cause severe pain in the feet, arms, legs and back, causing the exhausted victim to slump down again, only to be nearly unable to breathe once more. Eventually, the victim would succumb to suffocation, if he had not already died as a result of the cumulative effect of the physical trauma inflicted on him.
Jesus suffered all that for you and for me, and although we understand the physical pain and cause of death by crucifixion, I believe that the true cause of death for Christ was the weight of our sin. Think about it for a moment...Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us. He took upon Himself all the sin of mankind from the fall to the last day of existence on planet earth. Hanging there suspended between heaven and earth Jesus bore the weight of my sin and your sin and every person that has ever lived and will ever live on this earth.
As we reflect on the Savior death today, here are some questions...Have you accepted His sacrifice for you? Have you received His sacrifice for your sin? Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and become your Lord, receiving the gift of eternal life that He died to give?
Till Tomorrow...Bro. Alan


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