Maundy Thursday
This is 'Maundy Thursday,' now as Baptist we normally don't observe much of Holy Week, so when someone hears that today is 'Maundy Thursday' they usually say, "What? We're having Monday on Thursday?"
Maundy is Latin for 'mandated'. What was to occur on this day was mandatory for Christ to go to the cross and pay the ultimate price so that we could receive salvation.
This is the night that Jesus washes His disciples feet in the upper room and demonstrates for us how to truly live as a servant and how we need to love and serve one another. This is also the night that Jesus initiated the Lord's Supper, giving new meaning to the passover. Showing us that He was God's Passover Lamb and instructing us to observe the Lord's Supper in remembrance of His death for us.
This is also the night that Judas betrays the Lord and the night that Jesus goes to the garden to pray and then arrested and tried.
So much happened on this night during Holy Week. There was so much significance in every act of love that Christ did for us. So much that He taught and so much that He showed us about how we are to live.
So, today here are some things to think and pray about:
How are we serving one another? As Jesus washed the feet of His disciples He was showing us how to serve.
Do we remember that it was His body broken for us and His blood spilled for us? How much do we thank God daily for the sacrifice of His Son?
Jesus prayed for us, do we pray for others? Take some time to read "the Lord's Prayer" in John 17. This is what is commonly called the "High Priestly Prayer of Jesus" Read it today and reflect on what Christ did for us and how He prayed for you during that stressful hour of His life.
Remember today that Jesus died for you because He loves you. Out of obedience to the Father Jesus goes to the cross to bear the weight of the sins of the world for you and for me...
Allow the Father to let this be a Holy Thursday for you...Till tomorrow...Bro. Alan
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