Monday, April 6, 2009


Today, as we observe holy week together, is 'holy Monday.' After Jesus spent the night in Bethany after the Triumphal Entry yesterday, he and his disciples walk back to Jerusalem. As they approach the Holy City Jesus sees a fig tree that looks like it should have figs on it because of the leaves that are present. But, as He nears the tree He noticed that although it had many leaves and appeared to be a healthy tree it had no fruit. So, Jesus cursed the fig tree. This was symbolic in the sense that Jesus was stating that although Israel and it's religious leaders looked good on the outside, they had no dedication to the LORD on the inside, in other words it was all talk and no walk.
As Jesus and His disciples continue to make their way to Jerusalem, Jesus enters the Temple. He notices that the Temple has become a place of corruption and greed. Money changers are at their tables charging ridiculous rates to convert money into the currency required for sacrificial animals that were sold at unfair prices.
So, in anger, Jesus drove these corrupt men from the Temple, God's house. When the religious leaders witnessed this they became indignant toward Jesus. "How dare He come into their place and disrupt their business!"
Jesus told them, "It is written, My house will be a house of prayer for the nations, but you have made it a den of robbers."
Today, on Holy Monday, Jesus cleared and purified the Temple. In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Paul tells us that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. In essence we are to be a house dedicated to the Father and to prayer. When was the last time you allowed Jesus to clean your temple? When was the last time you spent some time in prayer?
Today, allow Jesus to clean house, maybe we need to confess to Him today the things that we have been struggling with, maybe today we need some serious 'spring cleaning.' Take time today to spend in prayer on this Holy Monday.
Till Tomorrow...Bro. Alan


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