This is not how it's supposed to be...
Sometimes things don't turn out like we think they ought to. Take Moses for example in Exodus 5. Moses goes to Pharaoh and tells him exactly what the LORD told him to say, you know, "Let My People Go!" and Pharaoh replies, "NO!" And not only, 'no' but 'no, you lazy people get back to work and just to show you that I still have a say in what goes on around here, make your bricks without straw."
So, let's review...Moses goes and tells the elders of Israel that God has heard their cries and has seen their misery and is going to deliver them. The elders bow and worship the LORD and are filled with hope and, Moses goes to Pharaoh, just as he was told to do, and tells Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go. Pharaoh refuses and makes the children of Israel work harder and has their foremen beaten when they don't make their quota of bricks. Things weren't going how Moses thought they should go. Moses is doing exactly what the LORD has told him to do and it is turning into a complete disaster.
Moses is disappointed to say the least. Philip Ryken says, "It is not hard to understand why Moses felt so disappointed. Up until the end of chapter 4, everything was going beautifully...Now, just a few days later, the exodus was in shambles and the people were letting Moses have it. As far as he could see, God's plan had backfired. Not only had Moses failed to rescue his people, but their deliverance seemed further away than ever..."
Moses is at his ropes end. Nothing is happening the way he dreamed it would.
How do you respond when this happens in your life? What do you do when nothing is turning out the way you think it should, even though you know you are following the LORD's will? What do you do? Where do you turn?
Let's see how Moses handles it, and maybe get some clues as to what our response should be...till tomorrow...Bro. Alan
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