Who I Am...
In Exodus 3:11 Moses asks the question, "Who am I?" It was not so much a question of who Moses was, he knew who he was, the question, rather, was, 'do I have what it takes to do the job that God is calling me to do?' Remember that Egypt at this time was the most powerful country in the world and Moses was supposed to go and tell the ruler of the most powerful country in the world that he was supposed to let the entire labor force go free. The last time Moses tried something like this it took him 40 years to recover.
However, Moses was focused on his ability to get accomplished what the Lord had called him to do. We often find ourselves in the same situation that Moses found himself in on that mountain. God calls us to a task and our reply is, "Lord, I can't do that, I'm just a lowly ______ (fill in the blank), or Lord, I don't have the training or education to do what you have called me to do." And you know, you are probably right, you are just a lowly _____ (fill in the blank), you most likely do not have the training or education, but the good news is found in Exodus 3:12...'And God said, "I will be with you...'"
God is with you! It doesn't matter what your qualifications are, what matters is that God is with you.
There is an old saying, "God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called." Who we are is irrelevant, what matters is that God said that He would be with us.
God had spent the past 40 years teaching Moses how to shepherd sheep to prepare him to shepherd His people, God had spent the previous 40 years of Moses' life teaching him about the culture and condition of the people that he would go and confront in Egypt, remember, God has a plan.
What is God preparing for your life? He has a plan, and He is calling you to something in your life that will bring honor and glory to His name. Is He calling you to something that you feel inadequate about? If He is remember, He Is With You! It's not about your abilities, it's about His majesty.
Till Tomorrow...Bro. Alan
Preachers are always talking about some plan. Nobody is happy with anything. They always want something else. Nobody even knows what they already have.
Anonymous, thank you for your comment. Yes, it does seem like preachers are always talking about some plan, because God does has a plan, a plan for your life and for mine that is clearly spelled out for us in God's Word.
As far as nobody being happy with anything, I would disagree with that statement. Many people are very happy with their lives, as a matter of fact I would even go so far as to say that many are excited and joyful with their life. I do know what I already have, I have peace that passes understanding, more blessing than I deserve and a relationship with the Father.
My question to you is, "Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Do you know what you already have?" Thanks again for the comment and I look forward to your reply
I am happy with Jesus. You sound like youare happy too. But you don't hear too much about him when you get around church people. People are alwys lookin for the next thing. The next big deal. Like these two time blessin preachers. You got Jesus. then you need the big blessing. Then you can really get going. What do they think happened to Jesus after they got saved? He cant talk any more? Everybody is looking for whats next. Sounds like nobody is happy with Jesus right right now. You have to buy a book or go to a meeting. Order the dvds. Funny to me Jesus can get sinners saved but he can't tell anybody what this plan is if there really is one. You say its spelled out real clear but it sure seems like a secret to everybody. Why does it take so long for the preachers to tell the secret. looks like somebody would know by now. Does Jesus have plan two? I think the plan has got to be faith. You got to have that right from the start or you don't have any thing. If you got faith in Jesus you don't need any more plans. You just got to listen. You don't worry about any plan. God can talk to any body. It was nice of you to leave a reply. And you have a pretty picture at the top. Have a nice day.
Dear Anonymous, I agree there are a lot of people out there saying that there is always the next big thing, the next big deal. The 'second blessing' guys, and the people wanting to sell you something to get closer to Christ. But let me assure you that it's not everybody nor all preachers, maybe you are watching a little too much 'religious television', personally I think those guys are just trying to make a buck in the name of Jesus and they will be held accountable, but that's just my personal opinion.
The plan that I am speaking of is not for sale, it's already been paid for by the blood of Jesus, what I am referring to is the need for us to be faithful to what God has called us to in His Word; to 'go therefore and make disciples of all nations...' Matthew 28:19; to 'love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself' Mark 12:30-31; and 'whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God' 1 Corinthians 10:31. You are absolutely right when you said, "You just got to listen...God can talk to anybody," What I want us to do as His children is to be attentive to hear when He speaks, and be ready to act when He says, 'Go.'
That's the plan that I am talking about, the plan that the Father has for all of His children, that is found in His Word, we need to be diligent about listening and studying His Word.
And finally, we might not hear much about Jesus when we get around church people, but when we are around His children I have found that they can't stop talking about Him. Thanks again for the good conversation and I pray that you have a blessed day and glad that you are my brother, or sister in Christ, the picture was taken by Amanda Means outside of White Deer, I love the picture too.
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