Wilderness Wanderings 1
One of the most difficult things for a pastor/teacher is to preach/teach over a passage that people have heard ever since they were children and try to make it interesting, fresh and relevant. Now, don't get me wrong I truly believe that God's Word will not return void and that God's Word is powerful, fresh and VERY relevant, the problem is not with the Word of God, the problem is with us.
As we begin this journey of 'wilderness wanderings' through the book of Exodus many will think to themselves, "Oh, I know the story of Moses and the children of Israel, how they were in slavery and Moses went to Pharaoh and said, 'Let my people go,' and then the plagues came and they crossed the Red Sea on dry land and then wondered around the dessert for the next 40 years...I've not only heard the story in Sunday School when I was a child, but I've even seen the MOVIE, The Ten Commandments, you know where Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and then became the president of the NRA." And even the younger generation will think the same thing except their point of reference is not The Ten Commandments but rather the animated film Prince Of Egypt.
As we begin our journey through Exodus we are not going to have the special effects of Cecile B. De Mill, or any animation rather we are going to journey through with the original author, the one that does not need special effects for He had the REAL EFFECTS. We are going to consult the original script and hopefully allow the original Author show us in a new and refreshing way how He is still at work in the world today and how we need to follow the original script in our own lives and learn the lessons that were taught to our forefathers in the faith.
God still wants to guide our steps in the wilderness that we call the world, the question is, "Are we going to walk by faith or by sight?"
Are you ready to go? Let's pack, prepare and persevere...Bro. Alan
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