Thursday, February 19, 2009

Moses, Aaron and the Elders

Moses, in the end of chapter 4 of Exodus, is finally off the mountain and on his way to see Pharaoh. He meets with Aaron, his brother, and they gather the elders of Israel together. They tell them all that the Lord has said to them and show them all the signs that the Lord gave to them. The elders believed and worshiped the Lord, the God of Israel.
WOW...isn't it amazing that it turned out just like the Lord had previously told Moses? And why shouldn't it? God had come to rescue His people from their misery and there was excitement in the air.

In the beginning of chapter 5 we see Moses and Aaron going to Pharaoh and saying, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel says: 'Let My people go...'"
DO you see it? Can you sense it? Can you feel it? What you ask? The boldness that Moses and Aaron have as they approach Pharaoh. There is something different, something that has changed since we last left the aging shepherd on the mountain of God. Moses seems to have been given a new character. You see, the difference is simple...Moses had met with God...Moses was not acting on his own behalf, but rather he was following the direction of his God, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Great I AM.

We see the same thing happen in the New Testament after Pentecost. The disciples before Pentecost, are running from the cross and scattered after the crucifixion. But after Pentecost we see the boldness of Peter as he preaches to the masses and the boldness of the other disciples as those common men turn the world upside down for the sake of the gospel. The difference? They had met with the Lord, they were walking in obedience to the Father. They were acting and preaching and ministering because of who Christ is in them.

Have you met with God today?


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