Work and Worship
Today we are discussing Mary and Martha. Martha was busy preparing a meal for Jesus and His disciples whom Martha had invited for supper. Meanwhile, as the guest arrived, Martha was busy in the kitchen while Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to His teachings. The longer Mary sat and worshiped and Martha worked in the kitchen the more upset Martha became. Martha finally reached the "boiling point" along with all the pots on the stove, and came into the room with an explosive, bitter, pitiful attitude. Martha marched over to Jesus and tattled on Mary. "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"
Can't you just see Martha standing there in the middle of the room with a tea towel thrown over her shoulder, sweat from the heat in the kitchen pouring down her face and a smudge of flour on her cheeks as she points her finger in Mary's face? Martha was expecting Jesus to take her side, she was expecting the Savior to reprimand Mary and tell her to get up and go and help. This, however is not what happened. Jesus says to Martha, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
What things are you worried about today? Are you consumed with worry and busyness, or are you prepared to sit at the feet of the Master today and worship?...Till then, Bro. Alan
I am definitely a Martha. I find it hard to change that part of my nature.
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