Jesus, Our Rock Of Salvation
Philip Ryken in his commentary over Exodus states, "The whole Bible is about Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament His coming as Savior is expected. In the Gospels His glorious person and redeeming work are exhibited. In the Epistles His way of salvation by faith is explained. Then in the book of Revelation His majesty as King is exalted. From beginning to end it is all about Jesus.
We have encountered Christ throughout our study of Exodus. We saw Him in the birth of Moses--the baby in the basket who was born to be the savior. We saw Him at the burning bush, where Moses met the Great I Am. We also saw Him in all of God's signs and wonders. The finger of God in the plague of gnats pointed us to Jesus and His miracles. The plague of darkness reminded us of the black hours He suffered on the cross. Then we saw Jesus at the Red Sea, where God's people were baptized from death into life. We saw Jesus in the wilderness too. The sweet desert springs refreshed us with His living water, and the manna tasted like the true bread from Heaven that gives life to the world. The history of Israel's deliverance is the story of our own salvation in Christ."