Building Materials
In 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 Paul talks about building materials, there are good materials like gold, silver and costly stones and then there are not so great building materials like wood, hay and straw. He goes on to talk about how the building materials will be tested by fire and that the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If the material survives, then we receive a reward, if not we suffer loss, but the good news is that we will still be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames...
We have been talking about building on the firm foundation of Christ this week and how important it is to realize that Christ is our firm foundation for life. But, do you realize that even if we build our lives on Christ that it is possible to still build a 'shabby' building.
Some will say, "Yes, we all must build upon a firm foundation," but do we realize that it is possible to build wrongly upon the foundation? When we build wrongly upon the right foundation we find ourselves still not enjoying true happiness or true security either.
What are you building today? Some would say, "Oh pastor, if I am building wrong at least I'll still be saved." Yes it is true, but did you notice what Paul said? He said you will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames. I don't know if you have ever been burned or tried to walk through fire, but let me tell you, it doesn't look like much fun.
Start building with the best materials today, things like gold and silver and costly stones. You say you don't have any of those materials? For gold use the 'golden rule' that we talked about a couple of weeks ago, for silver try treasuring a friendship and for costly stones try expressing to the Father today that He is truly more beautiful than diamonds and let your desire today to be able to say, "Nothing I desire compares with You, Lord."
See You Sunday...Bro. Alan
Wise & Foolish
To listen to Jesus' final words of the sermon on the mount and think to yourself, "I really like what He had to say, these are some good moral points and I need to try harder to live by these words." Is to miss the point of the sermon althogether. It is impossible to try on our own to keep the teachings in the sermon on the mount. How can we keep from murder by not ever thinking bad thoughts of others, how can we keep from adultery by never looking at someone of the opposite sex with lust? The bottom line is that in and of ourselves it is impossible. But what is impossible with man is possible with God. Jesus is not telling us to try harder, He is in essence telling us to stop trying at all.
What? Stop trying? That's right, it is not about how hard we try, it is about how much we surrender. When we realize that living for Christ is not about how good we can be but rather how can Christ live in us and and through us then we begin to get the right picture of what being a disciple is all about.
You see, Jesus didn't deliver the sermon on the mount, He WAS the sermon on the mount. In order to build on the Rock, the solid foundation, we have to turn the plans of our life over to the Great Architect. Jesus has the plans for your life, He came up with the blueprints that have your name on them. When we try to alter those plans we have structural damage. He sees the whole plan laid out when we only see a portion of the plan. Everyday we need to trust Christ to build our lives and when we do, we become a great neighborhood or community if you will, built on the Solid Rock that can withstand the storms of life.
Be wise today, build on Christ, let Him have control of your life, after all you've been bought with a price and you are no longer your own, therefore glorify the Father in all that you do today...
Till Tomorrow...Bro. Alan
So, are you wise? or are you foolish? Jesus said that the wise build on the firm foundation...the firm foundation of what? Well in Matthew 5-7 Jesus gives us the foundation to build upon. Jesus said that the wise would be the ones who listened and built upon the teachings in the sermon that He just delivered.
In our church we have been looking at the sermon on the mount for the past five months. It took Jesus just a couple of hours to deliver this sermon, it has taken me 5 months. Jesus, the greatest preacher of all time delivered the greatest sermon of all time in Matthew 5-7, that gives you a hint about what kind of preacher I am:) Figure it out, Jesus 2 hours, me 5 months...
Anyway, in order to show ourselves as wise builders we need to heed and obey the wisdom in the sermon on the mount. Of course the bottom line is that we show ourselves wise when we build on the foundation of Christ alone.
Tomorrow we will look at some of the things in the sermon on the mount that we need for a strong foundation, until then...Bro. Alan
Foundations 2
So, what foundation are you building your life upon? Most reading this would overwhelmingly say, "I am building my life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ!" I mean really, I go to church every Sunday, well OK not every Sunday, but the ones when I can, when a good football game is not on and when family doesn't come for a visit, or the kids don't have a sniffle or a cough, I make it to church every Sunday that I can...I build my life on the foundation of Christ by studying the Bible. Well, I read the Word when I am in trouble and need God to get me out of a tight situation, or when I need something 'nice' to think on. I build my life on the solid foundation of Christ by praying. Well, OK my prayer life is kind of like my Bible study, just when I find myself in trouble or something goes my way I offer up a quick, "Thank You, Lord...yea for me..." prayer.
My kids know that we have a Christ-like home, well, we don't make it to church that often, but we talk about it alot, and they know the grandma and grandpa were good people that went to church.
NOW, some of you know that I am being sarcastic, others of you might be offended by my sarcasm, and to the latter, sorry, but there is some truth to what has been said.
Jesus said in Matthew 7:24-27 Those people who are listening to Me, those people who hear what I say and live according to My teachings--you are like a wise man who built his house on a rock, on a firm foundation. When storms hit, rain poured down and waters rose, levies broke and winds beat all the walls of that house. But the house did not fall because it was built upon rock. Those of you who are listening and do not hear, those who are listening and ignore My teachings and those who take the wider, eaiser path, keep company with false prophets; you are like a fool who builds on sand. When a storm comes to his house, what will happen? The rain will fall, water will rise, the wind blow, and his house will collapse with a great crash. Because it is built on nothing, on ephemera, on shifty, shifting sands." (The Voice)
Till tomorrow...Bro. Alan
My family andI lived and served a church in Amarillo from 1996 till 2004. When we first moved to Amarillo much of the area around the edges of the city were still undeveloped. By looking at the landscape all you could see were plyaya lakes and mostly low lying areas.
Not much later to our moving to the city did we see these low lying areas start to be developed into housing. My first thought was, "There is no way that they can build houses in those areas, the foundations will not last because of the plyaya lakes."
Needless to say, after the housing developments were finished and people started moving in, soon there began to be problems with the houses foundations. These nice expensive houses started having cracks in the walls, the doors were not lining up and some experienced major foundational problems. The reason was because they were not built on a firm, solid foundation.
Jesus, in the 7th chapter of Matthew, ends the sermon on the mount by telling those in attendance to be sure to build their lives on a solid foundation. He tells them that if they build on solid material, they show themselves to be wise, if not, then they are foolish.
This week, let's examine what kind of foundation we are building upon, the solid Rock of Christ, or the sifting sand of society...till tomorrow...Bro. Alan
Are we on the right road?
As we journey together down this road of ministry this year it is important that we have some things in place is important to prepare for a journey.
First we need to ask some questions and seek some answers as we get going on our journey...questions like, "Are we on the right road?" "Can we trust those who are going to guide us on this journey?" and, ""Who are we really following?"
When you are on a journey it is important to pay attention to the signs...sings tell you how fast to go...if there is road construction on the bridge (even in the middle of summer). Some signs encourage us to pull over and rest, others tell us where we can stop and get the best chicken fried steak, or the fastest and best service...some even tell us where to get fuel and who has the cleanest restrooms...
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
So, the first question is, "are we on the right road?" Good question...The people that Christ was speaking to as He delivered the Sermon on The Mount needed to know that they were on the right road. They had been on a detour for some time. The Pharisee had told them that the road to follow was one marked by signs that only they could rightfully read and that it was their duty to make sure that everyone was following not only the major road signs but also every sign written in the small print.
It became difficult to travel, and many were just along for the ride.
Jesus spoke of a road to follow that was narrow and a gate that was small, to many it would be discouraging, thinking that they had enough trouble following the road as it was in their day. But Jesus is not speaking of a road of rules and regulations, He is speaking of a journey of relationship. As a matter of fact He says later in John, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Way, no one comes to the Father except through Me." He is the way, He is the right road.
Which road are you on? The road of rules, or the road of relationship?